Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/185

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hadde euer mete ynough / the wulf had not borne awey the lambe / Thenne the lord commaunded to gyue hym pleiite of mete/ wherof the dogge took ageyne al ſtrengthe and vertue / And within a whyle after the wulf came ageyne to the dogge / and ſayd to hym in this manere / My broder haue I not gyuen to the good counceylle / And thenne the dogge anſuerd to hym / Certaynly ye / wherof I thanke yow / And the wulf ſayd to the dogge / I praye the my broder and my good frend that thow wylt yet gyue another lambe / and the dogge ſayd to hym / Certaynly my broder / wel hit maye ſuffyce the to haue had tweyne of them / ¶ Thenne ſayd the wulf to the dogge / ¶ At the left waye I maye haue one for my labour and ſallarye / That ſhalt thow not haue ſayd the dogge / Haſt thow not had good ſallarye for to haue hadde two lambes oute of my mayſters herd / ¶ And the wulf anſuerd to hym ageyne / My brother gyue hit me yf hit pleaſe the / ¶ And after ſayd the dogge to hym / Nay I wylle not/ And yf thow takeſt hit ageynſte my wylle / I promytte and warne the / that neuer after tyme thow ſhalt ete none / And thenne the wulf ſayd to hym / Allas my broder I deye for honger / Counceylle me for goddys loue what I ſhalle doo / And the dogge ſayd to hym / I ſhal coūceylle the wel a