Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/193

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wente to the feldes / and he wente to his godfader & ſayd / godfader the mare is goo to the feldes / & the wulf demaunded of hym where aboute is ſhe / And the foxe anſuered ſhe is by the foreſt / And the wulf ſayd / Now go we to dyner / And the wulf with his godſone entryd in to the wood / and came to the mare / ¶ The wulf perceyued wel and ſawe a yonge colt / whiche was by his moder / the wulf tooke hym by the neck with his teethe and drewe hit within the wood / and ete & deuoured hym bytwene them bothe / ¶ And whan they had wel eten the godſon ſayd to his godfader / My godfader I commaude yow to god and moche I thanke yow your doctrine / For wel ye haue taught me / in ſo moche / that now I am a grete clerke / & now I wylle goo toward my moder / And thenne the wulf ſayd to his godſon / My godſone yf thow goſt awey / thow ſhalt repente the therfore / For thow haſt not yet wel ſtudyed / and knoweſt not yet the Sylogyſmes / ¶ Ha my godfader ſayd the Foxe / I knowe wel al / ¶ And the wulf ſayd to hym / Sythe thow wylt goo/ to god I commaunde the /

¶ And whanne the Foxe was come toward his moder / ſhe ſayd to hym / Certaynly / thow haſt not yet ſtudyed ynough / ¶ And he thenne ſayd to her / Moder I am ſoo grete a clerke that