Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/194

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I can caſt the deuylle fro the clyf / Lete vs go chace / and ye ſhalle ſee yf I haue lerned ought or not / ¶ And the yong foxe wold haue done as his godfader the wulf dede / and ſaid to his moder / make good watche / ¶ And whanne the beetles ſhalle come to the feld / lete me haue therof knowlege / And his moder ſayd / wel my ſone ſo ſhalle I doo / She maade good watche / And whanne ſhe ſawe that bothe kyne and ſwyne wente to the feldes / ſhe ſayd thenne to hym  My ſone the kyne and the ſwyn to gyder ben in the feldes / And he anſuerd / My moder of them I retche not / lete them goo / for the dogges kepe them wel / ¶ And within a ſhort whyle after / the moder ſawe come the mare nyghe vnto a wode / and wente / and ſayd to her ſone / My ſone the mare is nyghe the wood And he anſuerd / My moder theſe ben good tydynges / Abyde ye here / For I goo to fetche our dyner / and wente and entred in to the Wode / And after wold doo as his godfader dyd before / and wente and tooke the mare by the neck / But the mare tooke hym with her teeth / and bare hym to the ſheepherd   And the moder cryed from the top of the hylle / My ſone lete goo the mare / and come hyder ageyne / but he myght not / For the mare held hym faſt with her teethe / ¶ And as the