Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/196

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¶ The xv fable is of the dogge / of the wulf and of the whether

GRete folye is to a fool that hath no myght / that wylle begyle another ſtronger than hym ſelf / as reherceth this fable of a fader of famylle whiche had a grete herd or flock of ſheep / and had a grete dogge for to kepe them which was wel ſtronge / And of his voys all the wolues were aferd wherfore the ſheepherd ſlepte more ſurely / but it happed / that this dogge for his grete age deyde / wherfore the ſheepherdes were ſore troubled and wrothe / and ſayd one to other / we ſhall no more ſlepe at oure eaſe by cauſe that our dogge is dede / for the wulues ſhall now come and ete our ſheep /  ¶ And thenne a grete wether fyers and prowd / whiche herd alle theſe wordes came to them and ſayd / I ſhalle gyue yow good counceylle / Shaue me / and put on me the ſkynne of the dogge  And whanne the wulues ſhalle ſee me / they ſhalle haue grete fere of me /  ¶ And whanne the wulues came and ſawe the wether clothed with the ſkynne of the dogge /