Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/197

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they beganne all to flee / and ranne awey / ¶ It happed on a day that a wulf whiche was ſore hongry / came and toke a lambe / and after ran awaye therwith / ¶ And thenne the ſayd wether ranne atter hym / And the wulf whiche ſuppoſed that it had ben the dogge shote thryes by the waye for the grete fere that he had / And ranne euer as faſt as he coude / and the wether alſo ranne after hym withoute ceſſe / tyl that he ranne thurgh a buſſhe full of ſharp thornes / the whiche thornes rente and brake alle the dogges ſkynne / whiche was on hym / And as the wulf loked and ſawe behynde hym / beynge moche doubtous of his dethe / ſawe and perceyued alle the decepcion and falſhede of the wether / And forthwith retorned ageynſte hym / and demaunded of hym / what beeſt arte thow / And the wether anſuerd to hym in this maner / My lord I am a wether whiche playeth with the / And the wulf ſayd / Ha mayſter ought ye to playe with your mayſter and with your lord / thow haſt made me ſo ſore aferd / that by the waye as I ranne before the/ I dyte ſhyte thre grete toordes / And thene the wulf ledde hym unto the place where as he had ſhyte / ſayenge thus to hym / loke hyther / calleſt thow this a playe / I take hit not for playe / For now I ſhalle ſhewe to the / how thow oughteſt not to playe ſo with thy lord / And thenne