Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/212

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loke on the gote / whiche was within the welle / & thenne the gote ſayd to hym / help me now as thow haſt promyſed /  And thene the foxe beganne to lawhe and to ſcorne hym / and ſayd to hym / O mayſter goote / yf thow haddeſt be wel wyſe with thy fayre berde / or euer thow haddeſt entryd in to the welle / thow ſholdeſt fyrſt haue taken hede / how thow ſholdeſt haue comen oute of hit ageyne /

¶ And therfore he whiche is wyſe/ yf he wyſely wylle gouerne hym ſelf / ought to take euer good hede to the ende of his werke