Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/225

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maund the helpe and ayde of the goddes / And thenne Mercury appiered to tore hym / and ſhewed to hym an axe of gold / and demaunded of hym in ſuche manere / Is the ſame hit that thow haſt loſt / And he anſuerd to Mercury / ye fayre ſyre and myghty god the ſame is it / And Mercury ſeynge the malyce of the vylayne gaf to hym neyther the ſame ne none other / and lefte hym wepynge / For god whiche is good and Jurt rewarded the good and trewe in this world / or eche other after his deſerte and punyſſheth the eyylle and Iniuſte