Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/226

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¶ The xiiij fable is of a yonge theef and of his moder

He whiche is not chaſtyſed at the begynnynge is euyll and peruers at the ende / As hit appiereth by this fable of a yonge child whiche of his yongthe beganne to ſtele / and to be a theef / And the theftys whiche he maad / he broughte to his moder / and the moder toke them gladly / & in no wyſe ſhe chaſtyſed hym / And after that he had done many theftys / he was taken / and condempned to be hanged / And as men ledde hym to the Juſtyce / his moder folowed hym and wepte ſore / And thenne the child prayed to the Juſtyce / that he myght ſaye one word to his moder / And as he approuched to her / made ſemblaunt to telle her ſomme wordes at her ere / & with his teeth he bote of her noſe / wherof the Juſtyce blamed hym / And he anſuerd in this manere / My lordes ye haue no cauſe to blame me therfore / For my moder
