Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/257

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¶ The xxj fable is of the vylayne and of the yonge bole /

HE whiche is of euylle and ſhrewd kynd / with grete payne he may chaſty hym ſelf / as it appereth by this fable / Of a vylayne / whiche had a yonge bole / the whiche he myght not bynd / by cauſe that euer he ſmote with his hornes / wherfore the vylayne cutte of his hornes /  ¶ But yet whan he wold haue bound hym / the bole caſted his fute fro hym / in ſuche wyſe that he ſuffred noman to come nyghe hym / And whan the vylayne perceyued the malyce of the bole / he ſayd to hym / I ſhalle chaſtyſe the wel / For I ſhalle take the in to the bouchers handes / And thenne was the bole wel chaſtyſed / ¶ And thus ought men to doo of the euylle / curſyd & rebelles/ whiche doo no thynge but playe with dees and cardes and to ruffule / Such folke ought men to put in to the handes of the boucher for to lede them to the galhows / For better may no man chaſtyſe them / For with grete payne may he be chaſtyſed / whiche fleeth alle good werkes ond[errata 1] alle good felauſhip

  1. Correction: ond should be amended to and: detail