Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/297

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¶ The xj fable is of an old harlotte or bawde

A Noble man was ſomtyme / whiche had a wyf moche chaſte and was wonder fayr / This noble man wold haue go on pylgrimage to Rome / and lefte his wyf at home / by cauſe that he knewe her for a chaſte and a good woman /  ¶ It happed on a daye as ſhe wente in to the toun A fayre yonge man was eſpryſed of her loue / and took on hym hardynes / and requyred her of loue / and promyſed to her many grete yeftes / But ſhe whiche was good had leuer deye than to conſente her therto / wherfore the yonge man deyde almooſte for ſorowe / to the whiche felawe came an old woman / whiche demaunded of hym the cauſe of his ſekeneſe / And the yonge man manyfeſted or deſcouered vnto her alle his courage and herte / aſkynge help and counceylle of her / And the old woman wyly and malycious ſayd to hym / Be thow gladde and Joyous / and take good courage / For wel I ſhalle doo / and brynge aboute thy faytte / in ſoo moche thow ſhalt haue thy wyll fulfylled / And after thys the old bawde wente to her hows /