Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/309

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he anſuerd / Bleſſyd be god of hit / And when he was within the chambre / he ſawe the bedde rychely couerd / & the walles wel hanged / and demaunded of his wyf he had done before / And ſhe thenne anſuerd to hym in lyke maner as ſhe dyd before / And therfore he thanked god as he had done to fore / And as he wold ſette hym at his dyner / there was brought before hym vnto his wyf a child of thre yere of age / or there aboute / wherfore he demaunded of his wyf / My frend to whome belongeth this fayre child / And ſhe anſuerd / My Frend the holy ghooſt of his grace hath ſente hit to me / Thene anſuerd the merchaunt to his wyf in this manere / I rendre not graces ne thankes not to the holy ghooſt of this / For he hath taken to moche payne and labour for to haue it made up myn owne werke / And I wyll that in no maner wyſe he medle no more therwith / For ſuche thynge belongeth to me for to doo hit / and not to the holy ghooſt.