Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/315

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whiche thou bereſt on thy fyſte / and wher to is it good / and the yong man anſuerd to hym / It is a ſperehawk whiche is good for to take partryches and quaylles / And yet ageyne the fole demaunded ot hym / My frend what are thoos that folowe the / & wherto ben they good / And the yonge man anſuerd to hym / they be dogges whiche are good for to ſerche and fynde partryches & quaylles / And whan they haue reyſed them / my ſperehawke taketh them / wherof procedeth to me grete ſolas and playſyre / And the fole demaunded ageyne / To your aduys the takyng that ye doo by them in a hole yere / how moche is hit / ſhalle hit bere to the grete prouffyte / And the yong man anſuerd to hym four or fyue crownes or ther aboute / And no more ſayd the fole / And to your aduys how moche ſhalle they diſpende in a yere / And the yong man anſuerd xl or l crownes /  ¶ And whanne the fole herd theſe wordes / he ſayd to the ſayd yonge man / O my frend I pray the that ſoone thow wylt departe fro hens / For yf our fyſicien come / he ſhalle putte the within the ſayd pytte by cauſe that thow arte a fole / I was put in it vnto the thyes / but therin he ſhold putte the vnto the chynne / for thow doſt the gretteſt foly that euer I herd ſpeke of /  ¶ And therfore the ſtudye of the huntynge and hawkynge is a ſlouful cure / And