Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/314

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happed thenne that emonge other was one brought to hym / whiche he putte in to the ſayd water vnto the thyes / And whan he had be by the ſpace of xv dayes within the ſayd water / he beganne to be peaſyble and gate his wytte ageyne / And for to haue take ſomme diſporte and conſolacion he prayd to hym whiche had the kepynge of hym that he wold take hym oute of the water / and promyſed to hym that he ſhold not departe fro the gardyn / And thenne the kepar that kepte hym vnbounde hym fro the ſtake / and had hym oute of the water / And whanne he had be many dayes oute of the pytte / he wente wel vnto the yate of the gardyn / but he durſt not go oute / leſſe that he ſhold be put ageyne within the ſayd pytte / And on a tyme he went aboue vpon the yate / and as he loked al aboute / he ſawe a fayr yong man on a horſbak / whiche bare a ſperehawk on his fyſte / and had with hym two fayre ſpaynels / whereof the ſayd fole was al abaſſhed / And in dede as by caas of nouelte / he callyd the ſayd yong man / and after he ſayd to hym benyngly / My frend I praye the that thou wilt telle me what is that wherupon thow arte ſette / And thenne the yonge ſone ſayd to hym / that it was a hors whiche prouffited to hym to the chace / and bare hym where he wold / And after the fole demaunded of hym / And what is that