Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/43

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rat herd hym crye / he approched hym & demaunded of hym wherfor he cryed / And the lyon anſuerd to hym / Seeſt thou not how I am take & bound with this gynne / Thenne ſayd the ratte to hym / My lord I wylle not be vnkynde / but euer I ſhal remembre the grace whiche thou haſt done to me / And if I can I ſhall now helpe the / The ratte beganne thenne to byte the lace or cord / and ſo long he knawed it that the lace brake / And thus the lyon eſcaped /   ¶ Therfore this fable techeth vs how that a man myghty and puyſſant ought not to dyſprayſe the lytyll / For ſomtyme he that can no body hurte ne lette may at a nede gyue help and ayde to the grete