Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/44

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¶ The xix fable is of the mylan whiche was ſeke and of his moder

HE that euer doth euylle ought not to ſuppoſe ne haue no truſt that his prayer at his nede ſhalle be herd / Of the whiche thynge Eſope ſheweth to us ſuche a fable / Of a mylan whiche was ſeke / ſo moche that he had no truſte to recouer his helthe / And as he ſawe hym ſo vexed with feblenes / he prayd his moder that ſhe ſhold praye vnto the goddes for hym / And his moder anſuerd to hym / My ſone thow haſt ſo gretely offendyd and blaſphemyd the goddes that now they wol auenge them on the / For thow preyeſt not them by pyte ne by loue / but for dolour and drede / For he whiche ledeth euylle lyf / and that in his euylle delynge is obſtynate / ought not to haue hope to be delyuered of his euyll / For whan one is fall into extremyte of his ſekenes / thenne is the tyme come that he muſt be payed of his Werkes and dedes / For he that offendeth other in his proſperyte / whan he falleth in to aduerſyte / he fyndeth no frendes /