Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/61

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¶ The tenthe fable is of the good man and of the ſerpente

HE that ought not to be aſſewerd that applyketh and ſetteth hym to doo ſomme other eny euyll / wherof eſope reherceth ſuche a fable / Of a ſerpent / whiche wente & came into the hows of a poure man / which ſerpent lyued of that whiche felle fro the poure mans table / For the whiche thynge happed a grete fortune to this poure man and bycame moche ryche / But on a daye this man was angry ageynſte the ſerpent / and took a grete ſtaf / and ſmote at hym / and gretely hurted him / wherfore the ſerpente wente oute of his hous  And therin he came neuer ageyne / And within a lytyll whyle after this / this man retourned and felle ageyne in to grete pouerte / And thenne he knewe that by the fortune of the Serpent he was bycome ryche / and repented hym moche of that he ſmote the ſerpent / And thenne this poure man wente and hūbled hym before the ſerpent ſayenge to hym / I praye the that thow wylt pardonne me of thoffenſe that I have done to the /

¶ And