Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/62

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¶ And thenne ſayd the ſerpente to the poure man / Syth thow repenteſt the of thy myſdede / I pardonne and forgyue it to the / But as longe as I ſhalle be on lyue / I ſhalle remember me of thy malyce / For as thow hurteſt me ones / thow maeſt as wel hurte me another tyme / For the wounde that thow madeſt to me / may not forgete the euylle whiche thow haſt done to me wherfore he that was ones euylle / ſhalle euer be preſumed & holden for euylle / And therfore men ought to preſume ouer hym / by whome they receyue ſomme dommage and not haue ſuſpecte theyr good and trewe frendes