Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/63

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¶ The xi fable is of the herte / of the ſheep & of the wulf

THe thynge which is promyſed by force & for decde is not to be hold / wherof eſope reherceth ſuche a fable of a hert which in the preſence of a wulf demūaded of a ſheep that she ſhold paye a buſſhel of corn / And the wulf commaūded to the Ihcep to paye hit/ And whanne the day of payment was come the herte came and demaunded of the ſheep his corn And the ſheep ſayd to hym / the conenaunces[errata 1] and pactyons made by drede and force oughte not to be holden / For it was force to me beynge to fore the wulf to promytte & graunte to gyue to the that whiche thou neuer leneſt to me / And therfor thow ſhalt haue ryght nought of me / wherfore ſomtyme it is good to make promiſſe of ſome thynge for to eſchewe gretter dommage or loſſe / For the thyngs whiche are done by force haue none fydelyte

  1. Correction: conenaunces should be amended to conuenaunces: detail