Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/75

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¶ The xix fable is of the man and of the wesel

MEn ought wel to loke and behold the courage & thought of hym / whiche dothe good / and the ende / wherfor he dothe hit / wherof Eſope reherceth ſuche a fable / Of a man whiche tooke a weſell / the whiche chaced after the rattes wythynne his hows /  ¶ And after whanne he had taken her / he wold haue kylled her /  ¶ And whanne the poure Weſelle ſawe the wrathe and furour of her mayſter / ſhe cryed to hym / mercy / ſayenge thus / My lord I requyre and praye the / that thow wylt pardonne to me / and that thow wylt reward me of the grete ſeruyſe whiche I haue done to the / For euer I haue chaced the rats oute of thy hows /   ¶ And the man ſayd to her / thow dydeſt not that for the loue of me / but only thow haſt done it for to fylle thy bely  For yf thow haddeſt done it for the loue of me / I ſhold haue pardonned to the /  ¶ And by cauſe that thow dydeſt not for to ſerue me / but for to lette and adōmage me / For that the rattes myght not ete / thou bareſt
