Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/319

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The simple personal pronouns are thus declined:--

I, of the FIRST PERSON, any of the genders.[198]

Sing. Nom. I, Plur. Nom. we,

     Poss. my, or mine,[199]        Poss. our, or ours,
     Obj.  me;                        Obj.  us.

THOU, of the SECOND PERSON, any of the genders.

Sing. Nom. thou,[200] Plur. Nom. ye, or you,

     Poss. thy, or thine,           Poss. your, or yours,
     Obj.  thee;                      Obj.  you, or ye.[201]

HE, of the THIRD PERSON, masculine gender.

Sing. Nom. he, Plur. Nom. they,

     Poss. his,                       Poss. their, or theirs,
     Obj.  him;                       Obj.  them.

SHE, of the THIRD PERSON, feminine gender.

Sing. Nom. she, Plur. Nom. they,

     Poss. her, or hers,            Poss. their, or theirs,
     Obj.  her;                       Obj.  them.

IT, of the THIRD PERSON, neuter gender.

Sing. Nom, it, Plur. Nom. they,

     Poss. its,                       Poss. their, or theirs,
     Obj.  it;                        Obj.  them.


The word self, added to the simple personal pronouns, forms the class of compound personal pronouns; which are used when an action reverts upon the agent, and also when some persons are to be distinguished from others: as, sing, myself, plur. ourselves; sing, thyself, plur. yourselves; sing, himself, plur. themselves; sing, herself, plur. themselves; sing, itself, plur. themselves. They all want the possessive case, and are alike in the nominative and objective. Thus:--

MYSELF, of the FIRST PERSON,[202] any of the genders.

Sing. Nom. myself, Plur. Nom. ourselves,

     Poss. ------,                    Poss. ---------,
     Obj.  myself;                    Obj.  ourselves.