Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/320

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THYSELF, of the SECOND PERSON, any of the genders.

Sing. Nom. thyself,[203] Plur. Nom. yourselves,

     Poss. -------,                   Poss. ----------,
     Obj.  thyself;                   Obj.  yourselves.

HIMSELF, of the THIRD PERSON, masculine gender.

Sing. Nom. himself, Plur. Nom. themselves,

     Poss. -------,                   Poss. ----------,
     Obj.   himself;                   Obj. themselves.

HERSELF, of the THIRD PERSON, feminine gender.

Sing. Nom. herself, Plur. Nom. themselves,

     Poss. -------,                   Poss. ----------,
     Obj.  herself;                   Obj.  themselves.

ITSELF, of the THIRD PERSON, neuter gender.

Sing. Nom. itself, Plur. Nom. themselves,

     Poss. ------,                    Poss. ----------,
     Obj.  itself;                    Obj.  themselves.


The relative and the interrogative pronouns are thus declined:--

WHO, literally applied to persons only.

Sing. Nom. who, Plur. Nom. who,

     Poss. whose,                     Poss. whose,
     Obj.  whom;                      Obj.  whom.

WHICH, applied to animals and things.

Sing. Nom. which, Plur. Nom. which,

     Poss. [204]--,                   Poss. -----,
     Obj.  which;                     Obj.  which.

WHAT, applied ordinarily to things only.[205]

Sing. Nom. what, Plur. Nom. what,

     Poss. ----,                      Poss. ----,
     Obj.  what;                      Obj.  what.