Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/76

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tant of the parish of St. Stephen. These gentlemen may have been ancestors of the Dublin testator : at all events, it seems to have been established that the parish of St. Stephen was the testator's birthplace. For nearly a cen- tury, however, the bequest was practically dormant. The first suit instituted to obtain the benefit of the gift came on for hearing before the Lords Commissioners for the Custody of the Great Seal on the 7th July, 1792. That suit was afterwards revived, and in the year 1820 the Court of Chancery decreed that the trusts of the will should be executed, and that the then feoffees of the parish of St. Stephen, who represented the original executors of the will, should pay a sum which with interest amounted to £7858 8s. 7d. Of this sum about £ 1 100 were forthwith expended in school buildings, and the residue was invested or otherwise applied to the purposes of the Charity. On the 23rd October, 1877, a scheme for managing the School in accordance with the modern conditions of education was sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners, and is now in force.

The following is a short substance of that scheme :

The Charity is to be administered by nine Governors, one of whom, ex-officio Governor, is to be the Lord for the time being of the manor of Launceston Lands and Borough of Newport. Of the three representative Governors, one is to be appointed by the Justices of Cornwall acting for the north division of the hundred of East, and two, residents of the parish of St. Stephen, each rated to the poor in not less than ,£20 per annum, are to be elected by the Vestry of St. Stephen. Five co-optative Governors are to be appointed by the general body of Governors at a special meeting. The representative Governors hold office for five years, and the co-optative Governors for nine years.

All property of the foundation is vested in the official Trustees of Charities.

The School is to be conducted in the present school-buildings, or in other suitable buildings in the parish.