Page:The histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the county of Cornwall.djvu/77

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No person is disqualified from being head-master by reason of his not being in Holy Orders. The head-master is to dwell in the residence assigned for him by the Governors. He is not, during his tenure of office, to accept any benefice or other appointment which may interfere with his scholastic duties.

The Governors are to have entire general control over the arrangements for the School.

Assistant masters may be appointed and dismissed by the head-master.

The head-master has a fixed yearly stipend besides a capitation payment in respect of each boy attending the School.

The tuition fees are from time to time to be fixed by the Governors.

No boy shall be admitted into the School under the age of eight years, nor remain in the School after he is seventeen years old except by special permission.

The School is open to all boys of good character and sufficient health residing with their parents, guardians, or near relations.

Parents, &c, may require their boys to be exempted from special religious services.

All boys are to be instructed in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history, English grammar, composition and literature, mathematics, Latin or some one foreign European language or both, natural science, drawing, and vocal music. The scholars are to be annually examined, and the Governors are to maintain six or more scholarships, some of which will entitle the holders not only to exemption from tuition fees, but to a yearly payment of from £5 to £10.

These scholarships are to be competed for by boys whose parents have resided for at least five years in the parish of St. Stephen.

The Governors have power also, if the income be sufficient, to establish exhibitions tenable in higher class schools.

The scheme, moreover, contains specific directions respecting the application of income and management of the affairs of the Charity.

The present excellent master of the School is Mr. Reed, of the Royal College of Preceptors, London.