Page:The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances 2.djvu/40

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The chronology relative to the early culture of silk, as found in Chinese documents, for several irrefragable objections already assigned, is exceedingly questionable, and therefore we are by no means pledged to affirm that either in the authenticity of the books, or in the correctness of the dates have we any faith. M. Lavoisnè dates the commencement of the Chinese dynasties at A. M.[1] 1816, or 159 years after the deluge. The Rev. J. Robinson of Christ Col., Cam., at A. M. 1947. We have already given as strong reasons, as under the extreme incertitude of the case, can, perhaps, be offered, for preferring the latter; the important points may be briefly stated, thus:

End of the deluge [2]1657 A. M.
Fohi, first emperor, began to reign 1947 A. M.
Noah died 2007 A. M.
Eohi Chinun, second emperor, began to reign 2061 A. M.
Hoang-ti, the third emperor, began to reign 2201 A. M.
Hoang-ti after establishing the silk culture, died 2301 A. M.

Hoang-ti was therefore contemporary with Joseph when administering the affairs of Egypt.[3] But would we know what account the Chinese themselves give relative to the earliest introduction of the silk culture, we shall find it in the French version of the Chinese Treatises, by M. Stanislas Julien, or in the following words of pages 77 and 78, as translated and published in 1838, at Washington, under the title of "Summary of the principal Chinese Treatises upon the Culture of the Mulberry, and the rearing of Silk-worms."

  1. A. M. signifies Anno Mundi, that is in the year of the World. The Year of Our Lord always commences on the first day of January, the day on which Christ was circumcised, being eight days old. From the Creation until the birth of Christ, was 4004 years. Tirin places the birth of Christ in the 36th year of Herod, the 40th of Augustus, the 28th from the battle of Actium, the 749th of Rome, and the 4th of the 193d Olympiad.
  2. It will here not be improper to observe that the Samaritan text and Septuagintversion of the Hebrew, carry the deluge as far back as to the year 3716 before Christ; or 1000 years before the Chinese account of Hoang-ti. On this subjectsee the New Analysis of Chronology, by the Rev. W. Hales, D.D. 4to., 3 vol.
  3. Joseph died in the 2369th year from the Creation.