Page:The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances 2.djvu/41

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In the book on silk-worms, we read: "The lawful wife of the emperor Hoang-ti, named Si-ling-chi, began the culture of silk. It was at that time that the emperor Hoang-ti invented the art of making garments(!)." The same fact is mentioned more in detail in the general history of China, by P. Maillà, in the year 2602, before our era (4447 years ago).

"This great prince (Hoang-ti) was desirous that Si-ling-chi, his legitimate wife, should contribute to the happiness of his people. He charged her to examine the silk-worms, and to test the practicability of using the thread. Si-ling-chi had a large quantity of these insects collected, which she fed herself, in a place prepared for that purpose, and discovered not only the means of raising them, but also the manner of reeling the silk, and of employing it to make garments."

"It is through gratitude for so great a benefit," says the history, entitled Wai-ki, "that posterity has deified Si-ling-chi, and rendered her particular honors under the name of the goddess of silk-worms." (Memoirs on the Chinese, vol. 13, p. 240.)

We have seen that the most probable account relative to the time of Fohi, said to have been the first Chinese emperor, is that he reigned 2057 years before the Christian era, or in the year of the world 1947. "According to the most current opinion," says M. Lavoisnè, "China was founded by one of the colonies formed at the dispersion of Noah's posterity under the conduct of Yao, who took for his colleague Chun, afterwards his successor. But most writers consider Fohi to have been Noah himself(!)."

Now the deluge terminated A. M. 1657, and Noah lived after the deluge 350 years[1], and therefore died A. M. 2007; and as Fohi is said to have reigned 114 years, before Eohi Chun or Chinun succeeded him, he was contemporary, at least, with Noah. The ark rested on Mount Ararat, which is generally allowed to be one of the mountains of Armenia, to the east of the head of the Tigris. And here the same author

remarks, that "in rather less than a century and a half, after

  1. Gen. ix. 28.