Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/183

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NIGHT OF THE 17TII OF JUNE. 153 The bombardment was maintained after dark, chap. VI. and throughout the whole of the night, but only by vertical lire; and, although this use of artil- mentat " lery inflicted grave losses on those brave men of vwtieaifira the garrison who were striving to repair their crushed batteries, it did not so take effect as to make the repairing impossible. To that object of repairing at night their ruined The enemy •i i i-i repairing batteries the garrison did not fail to apply a high and even . augmenting warlike spirit, and truly magnificent energies, hisbattenea Far from having yet come, as their adversaries fondly imagined, to the end of their mighty re- sources, far even from being discomfited by the shortness of a night in mid- June, they toiled on under a vertical fire pouring down with destruc- tive power till they had fully restored their de- fences to an effective condition, and even at one point had added to the power of their batteries. It was only on that very night that Todleben crowned the ramparts of the Malakoff with field- guns placed en barbette which were destined to exert no small sway in the approaching engage- ment. This constancy on the part of the garrison was soon to have its reward.