Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/184

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154 ATTACKS OF THE 1ST 11 OF JUKE. CHAPTER VII. EIGHTEENTH OF JUNE. — ABORTIVE ATTACKS OF THE ALLIES ON THE KARABELNAYA DEFENCES. — THE VICTORIOUS OPERATION EFFECTED BY GENERAL EYRE. I. chap. "Whilst under cover of darkness not yet dis- VII. . . persed or dispersing, the garrison still was en- [.[?' gaged in restoring its artillery power, another fngtofufai 'irm. of the service had already begun to make ready for the approaching strife. Thegani- The garrison had found itself able to infer the aware of designs or the besiegers from the preparative thebesiet- ° . . ° -, , ers' designs; marcning or their columns discerned through pariDgsc- ^ xe im 1 >C1 ^ ect darkness of a fair summer night; cordingiy. an( ^ so ear i v as t wo o'clock in the morning, the bugles of infantry regiments were sounding this way and that, all over the Karabelnaya. Soon, infantry men standing up on the crowded ban- quettes were not only manning the ramparts, but showing their presence in numbers that surprised a beholder not versed in General Todleben's Art. The truth is, as we know, that, whilst trusting in the main to great guns, the indefatigable defender