Page:The life & times of Master John Hus by Count Lützow.djvu/420

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Flajshans. Pisemnictvi Ceske (Bohemian Literature).
Flajshans. Mistr Jan Hus.
Flajshans. Literarni cinnost Mestra Jana Husi (Literary activity of Master John Hus).
Goll, Professor Jaroslav. Cechy a Prusy v stredoveku (Bohemia and Prussia in the middle ages).
Gozzadini, Giovanni. Nanne Gozzadini e Baldassarre Cossa.
Hardt, Hermann v. der. Magnum Œcumenicum Constantiense concilium.
Helfert, Josef Alexander. Hus und Hieronymus.
Höfler, Dr. K. Geschichtschreiber der Hussitischen Bewegung in Bohmen.
Höfler, Dr. K. Magister Johannes Hus.
Hus, Magister. For editions of works of Hus and translations, see chapter X.
Janov, Matthias de. Regulae Veteris et Novi Testamenti, ed. Kybal. Only one volume has as yet appeared.
Jirecek, Josef. Rukovet k Dejinam Literatury Ceske (Handbook of the history of Bohemian literature).
Kalousek, Dr. Josef. O Historii Kalicha v dobach predhusitskych (On the history of the chalice in prehussite times).
Kalousek, Dr. Josef. O potrebe prohloubiti vedomosti Husovi (On the necessity of further study of Hus).
Krummel, Leopold. Geschichte der bohmischen Reformation.
Krummel, Leopold. Utraquisten und Taboreten.
Kybal, Dr. Vlastimil. M. Matej z Janova.
Lechler, Dr. Gotthard. Johann Hus.
Lenfant, Jaques. Histoire du Concile de Constance.
Lenz, Dr. Antonin. Uceni Mistra Jana Husi (The teaching of Master John Hus).
Loserth, Dr. Johann. Hus und Wicliff.
Lutzow, Count. Prague—mediaeval town series.