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cousins whom I distrust, and who don't like me because I happen to be richer than they. That's why I live here alone, with my colored 'boys.' In short, though I am Joseph Smith, of number 1000 Bismarck Avenue, I am not this same Joseph Smith to whom your mamma sent you. To-morrow we will try to find this other Joseph Smith, your mislaid uncle. Even to-day I will send for somebody who will search for him in my stead. Until he is found you will be safe with me, and I shall be very happy to have you for my guest. Do you still understand? Can you follow what I say?"

"Course," she instantly responded.

But after this brief reply Josephine dropped down upon the rug and gazed so long and so silently into the fire that her host was impelled to put an end to her reflections by asking:

"Well, little girl, of what are you thinking?"

"How nice it would be to have two Uncle Joes."

"Thank you. That's quite complimentary to me. But I'm afraid that the other one might