Page:The mislaid uncle (IA mislaiduncle00raym).pdf/101

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prove much dearer than I. Then I should be jealous," he returned, smiling a little.

Josephine looked up brightly.

"I know what that means. I had a kitten, Spot, and a dog, Keno; and whenever I petted Spot Keno would put his tail between his legs and go off under the sofa and look just—mis'able. Mamma said it was jealousy made him do it. Would you go off under a table if the other Uncle Joe got petted? Oh! I mean—you know. Would you?"

Though this was not so very lucid, Mr. Smith appeared to comprehend her meaning. Just then, too, a severe twinge made him contort his features and utter a groan.

Josephine was on her feet and at his side instantly, crying out:

"Oh, does it hurt you so dreadful much? Can't I do something for it? I can bathe feet beautiful. Bridget sprained her ankle and mamma let me bathe it with arnica. Big Bridget said that was what cured it so quick. Have you got any arnica? May I bathe it?"