Page:The mislaid uncle (IA mislaiduncle00raym).pdf/102

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"Would you really handle a red, unpleasant, swollen old foot and not dislike it?"

"I guess I shouldn't like it much. I didn't like big Bridget's. I felt queer little feelings all up my arm when I touched it. She said it hurt me worse than it did her. But I'd do it. I'd love to do it even if I didn't like it," she answered bravely.

"Peter, fetch the arnica. Then get a basin of hot water," he ordered.

The pain was returning with redoubled force, and Mr. Smith shut his lips grimly. He looked at Josephine's plump little hands, and felt that their touch might be very soothing; as, indeed, it proved. For when the servant brought the things desired, the little girl sat down upon the hassock beside the great chair and ministered to him, as she had done to big Bridget. The applications were always helpful, but the tender strokes of her small fingers were infinitely more grateful than the similar ministrations of the faithful, yet hard-handed, Peter.

"Now I'll put it to bed, as if it were Ru-