Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/100

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next to him?" asked Patrick. "Fergus," answered he. "Dignity from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick. "Eocha Bindech," said Eoghan. "Warriors from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick. "They are all alike to me," answered Eoghan. "They shall have united love," said Patrick.

Patrick went to Ailech of the kings, when he blessed the fort and left his flag there; and he prophesied that kingship and pre-eminence should be over Erinn from Ailech. "When you lift your foot out of your bed to approach it, and your successor after you," said Patrick, "the men of Erinn shall tremble before you."

He blessed the whole island (Inis-Eoghain) from Belach-ratha; and he gave a blessing of valor to Eoghan. Then it was that Patrick said:

  "My blessing on the tuatha (territories)
  I give from Belach-ratha,
  On you, you descendants of Eoghan,
  Until the day of judgment.

  "Whilst plains are under crops,
  The palm of battle shall be on their men.
  The armies of Fail (Ireland) shall not be over your plains;
  You shall attack every telach (tribe).

  "The race of Eoghan, son of Niall,
  Bless, O fair Brigid!
  Provided they do good,
  Government shall be from them for ever.

  "The blessing of us both
  Upon Eoghan Mac Neill,
  On all who may be born from him,
  Provided they are obedient."