Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/101

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Eochaidh, son of Fiachra, son of Eoghan, was baptized with Eoghan, and Patrick's covenant was made between them; and whosoever transgresses it shall not have children born to him, and his body will not rot in the clay.

Where Patrick went after this was into Daigurt in Magh-Dula. He built seven Domhnachs (churches) about Fochaine (i.e., flumen), namely, Domhnach-Dola, Domhnach-Seinlis, Domhnach-Dara, Domhnach-Senchua, Domhnach-Minchluane, Domhnach-Catte, Both-Domhnaigh.

Patrick proceeded into Tir-Eoghain of the Islands—namely, into the territory governed by Fergus—and he took to build a disert at a certain place; Achadh-Driman was the proper name of the land in which he built it. But Coelbhadh, son of Eoghan, drove him from thence, and Patrick said that in consequence thereof his race should never have a goodly house there. Quod probatum est super by Comman, son of Algasach, of the race of Coelbhadh, who was at Eas-nac-Eire, who made a house there, but, before he had the roof on it, it was broken down by a young cleric of the family of Domhnach-mor-Maighe Tochair.

"Thou shalt receive welcome from me," said Aedh, son of Fergus. There is neither bank nor wall between him and the aforesaid, and it was there that he erected Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair, ribi xl, dubas mansit et Mac Cairthin reliquit.

Patrick proceeded from Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair into Bredach, and there he met the three Deachans, the sons of Patrick's sister, in the country of Ailell, son of Eoghan, and he ordained Oengus, the son of Ailell, in that place, and he remained there on Sunday; Domhnach-Bile is its