Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/102

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When Patrick was at Ailech-Airtich in Sonnacht, in Cinel-Enda, Enda came to him. "Da mihi hunc locum," said Patrick. "Quasi non babussemus clericos," said Enda. On the morrow venit Enda et suus filius secum, Echu Caech. Patrick had turned off to pray, and his people to baptize, to confer orders, and to propagate the faith. The two Maccairthinns were there at the time, namely, qui est at Clochar et qui est at Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair. "Confer ye the degree of bishop upon my son," said Enda. "Let Patrick be consulted," said Patrick's champion, Maccairthinn of Clochar. "It is our duty," said the other; "I will confer the order." When Patrick, he said, "Ye have conferred orders in my absence on the son of the Wolf; there shall be strife in the church of the one for ever; there shall be poverty in the church of the other." Quod impletur: strife at Clochar; Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair, poverty is there. "The son upon whom the degree was conferred, two persons, after committing murder, shall profane his relics. One hundred and twenty years until a son shall be born in the southern parts [who shall reconsecrate his church], and it shall be restored to me again." Quod totum impletum est. The first place where his relics were was a high and beautiful spot, but they were carried thence after a short time to a lower place; and the first place where they were is deserted, and robbers and murderers are accustomed to dwell there, through Patrick's curse. And his church was ceded to Ciaran Mac-an-tsair, but was restored to Patrick again. This Echu, son of Enda, is at this day called Bishop Echan.

As Patrick was in Tir-Enda-Airtich at Tulach-liag, in Leitir, he stuck [wattles for] a church there, which afterwards became a bush. After this he went to the