Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/301

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turned unto the left side of the place, and there builded unto the God of Jacob a tabernacle which is yet known by the name of Saint Patrick. And Moccheus coming thither, erected an oratory and all places fitting, and lived there a life abundant in virtue; and often Saint Patrick was wont to visit him, and confer with him on things pertaining unto God. And on a certain day, while they were sitting together and communing of God, the angel appeared and proffered unto them an epistle; the which Saint Patrick reading, found to be an exhortation, nay, rather a command, unto him especially directed, that he should absolutely confer on Moccheus the place which he had builded, with all matters pertaining thereunto, and that he himself should fix his cathedral seat in Ardmachia. And Patrick willingly did as the angel, nay, rather as the Lord, had enjoined and thence retiring, he commended unto Moccheus twelve lepers, to whom he had ministered in Christ; and Moccheus assumed the care and the custody of all these matters.


The Sentence pronounced by Patrick on Moccheus.

And after some days, while Moccheus heard the Book of Genesis read before him, wherein he is told that the patriarchs before the Flood lived for nine hundred years and more, and that after the Flood many lived for three hundred years, he did not readily believe in the sacred history; for he said that this tabernacle of clay, the human body, of flesh so weak, covered with skin, and framed with bones and sinews, could in no wise so long endure. The