Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/302

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which when Saint Patrick observed, he came unto him, that with true reason he might drive all such scruples from his mind; for he said that the whole canonical Scripture was dictated and written by the finger of God, and therefore should in no wise be derogated or disbelieved; inasmuch as it was not more difficult for the Creator of all things to extend the life of man unto a thousand years, if so he willed, than unto one day, as according to the Psalmist: A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday, which is passed. But even on these things Moccheus still doubting, the saint thus pronounced, or rather prophesied: "Since thou disbelievest the Holy Scriptures, by thine own experience shalt thou prove the truth of its records; for even to the length of three hundred years shall thy life be prolonged, nor until that time is passed shalt thou enter into the joy of the Lord." And Moccheus afterward repented him of his want of faith, but the sentence pronounced by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of Patrick could not be revoked. And he lived for the space of three hundred years; and then paying the debt of nature, and shining in virtues and in miracles, at length he passed out of the world unto Christ.


The Saint prophesieth of two Brothers, and a Fountain is produced out of the Earth.

And Saint Patrick coming out of Dalnardia, began to build a church in a place called Elum, where twelve brothers, the sons of Killadius, then ruled. And one o