Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/303

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f these, named Seranus, governed there, who preventing the saint from his purpose, violently drove him away. But the saint, though patiently would he bear an injury offered to himself, yet grievously taking the hindrance of his holy work, prophesied what through God he knew would happen, and said unto him: "Yet a little while, and thou shalt be driven from this land, and the rule shall be given to a better than thee." Then Colladius, the younger brother of this perverse man, gave unto the saint a place which is called Domhnachcumbuir, and even until the church was builded gave unto him sufficient aid. And the saint blessed him, prophesying what the Lord had determined for him, saying; "Unto this land shalt thou succeed, and from thy loins shall kings proceed, and reign through many generations." And in that place did the saint by his prayers produce out of the heart of the earth a pure fountain, which to this day is called Slan, that is, healing; for that it relieveth many laboring under multiplied diseases. And for his perverseness Seranus was driven from that land; and according to the word of the saint, the kingdom was given to his younger brother, Colladius.


The Saint Prophesieth of a Certain Youth.

Twelve brothers, whose father, a ruler in Dalnardia, was then lately dead, met together to divide the inheritance; but holding in scorn their youngest brother, Fergusius, without his portion they turned him empty away. Therefore the youth addressed Saint Patrick, that by his prayers he