Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/78

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sin?" "Yes." And they were baptized. And Patrick blessed a white veil upon their heads; and they desired to see Christ face to face. And Patrick said to them: "You cannot see Christ except that you first taste death, and unless you receive the body of Christ and His blood." And the daughters replied, saying: "Give us the Communion, that we may be able to see the Prophesied One." And they after this received the Communion, and fell asleep in death, and Patrick placed them under covering, and in one bed [grave]; and their friends made a great lamentation over them. The druids then entered into conflict with Patrick, on account of the daughters having believed, and having gone to heaven, i.e., Mael and Caplait. Caplait came crying against Patrick, for it was he [Caplait] who fostered the second daughter. Patrick preached to him, and he believed, and he cut off his hair. After this the other druid came, i.e., Mael, and said to Patrick: "My brother has believed for thee," said he; "it shall not serve nor strengthen him," said he; "I will again lead him into paganism." And he was thus insulting Patrick; but Patrick preached to him, and the druid believed in God and Patrick. And Patrick shaved him; and hence "Mael is like Caplait" is a proverb; for it was together that they believed. And the day of weeping was finished, and the maidens were interred there; and Sen-Donahnagh of Magh-Ai was presented to Patrick for ever. And others say the relics of the maidens were brought to Ard-Macha, where they await the resurrection.

Patrick went afterwards to Tir-Caireda, and he founded a church at Ard-lice, i.e., Sen-Domhnach, and he left Deacon Caeman in it. And Patrick erected Ard-Senlis, ubi posuit Lalloc sanctam et tenuit locum in Campo Nento; and they went with Bishop Cethech to his country. Of the