Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/79

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race of Ailill was his mother; of Cenel-Sai [nigh] of Cinacht, from Domhnach-Sairigi at Damhliac-Cianain; and it was Bishop Cethech's custom to celebrate the great pasch in Domhnach-Sairigi; and in Ath-da-lorg, in Kells, he celebrated the little pasch, with Comgilla; for Cethech's people used to say that Comgilla was Cethech's servitor. Patrick went afterwards to the territory of Ui-Maine, and he left there an arch-priest (or deacon) of his people, i.e., Deacon Juis, and he erected Fidharta; and Patrick left his books of orders and baptism with him; and he baptized the Ui-Maine; and Deacon Juis, in his old age, baptized Ciaran mac-int-sair, from Patrick's book, quia cxl anni fuit quando Ciaran baptizavit, ut aiunt peritissimi. Patrick's Franks, moreover, left him, viz., fifteen brothers and one sister, viz., Bernicius and Hibernicius, and Hernicus, etc., and Nitria, the sister. And many places were given to them. One of these is Imgoe of Baislic, between Hy-Maine and Magh-Nai. Patrick described to them the likeness of the place with his finger, from Cill-Garad, quia venerunt ad Patricium ut obteret illis de locis quos invenerent. Patrick also founded Cill-Garad, where Cethech [was left], and Ferta-gethich together. Then it was that Patrick made the well which is called Uaran-garad, and he loved this water very much, ut ipse dixit:

  O well! which I have loved, which loved me;
  Alas! my cry, O dear God!
  That my drink is not from the pure well."

Patrick went afterwards to Magh-Selcae, i.e., to Dumha-Selca, where there were young men, the six sons of Brian, viz., Bolcderc, Derthacht, Echen, Cremthann, Caelcharna,