Page:The most ancient lives of Saint Patrick - O'Leary.djvu/80

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Echuid; and Patrick wrote three names there in three stones, viz., Jesus, Soter, Salvator. Patrick blessed the Ui-Briuin from Dumha-Selca, and Patrick's seat is there between the stones in quibus scripsit literas, et nona (sic) episcoporum cum illo illic fuerunt, viz., Bronus of Caisel-Irra, Sachelus of Baislic-mor in Ciarraighe, Brocaid of Imlech-ech (brother to Lomman of Ath-truim), Bronachus, presbyter, Rodan, Cassan, Benen, comarb of Patrick, and Benen, brother of Cethech, Felartus, bishop, and his sister, a nun there, and another sister, quae sit insola in mari Conmaicne, i.e., Croch-Cuile-Conmaicne. And he founded a church on Loch-Selca, i.e., Domhnach-mor of Magh-Selca, in quo baptizavit Ui-Briuin et benedixit. Patrick went to Gregraidhe of Loch-Techet, and founded a church there in Drumma, and dug a well thereat, and no stream went into or came out of it, but it was always full, and its name is Bithlan (i.e., ever full). He afterwards founded Cill-Atrachta in Gregraidhe, and [left] Talan's daughter in it, who received a veil from Patrick's hand. And he left a teisc and chalice with Atracht, the daughter of Talan, son of Cathbadh, of the Gregraidhe of Loch-Teched, sister of Caemhan of Airdne-Caemhain. Patrick blessed a veil on her head. Drummana was the name of the place in which they were; Machaire is its name to-day. A casula was sent down from heaven on Patrick's breast. "You shall have this casula, O nun!" said Patrick. "No," said she, "not to me was it given, but to thyself."

He then went to the sons of Erc; they carried off Patrick's horses, and Patrick cursed them, saying: "Your seed shall serve the seed of your brother for ever." Patrick went into Magh-Airtich, and blessed a place,;i.e., Ailech-Airtigh, in Telach-na-cloch. And he went afterwards into Drummut of Ciarraighe-Airtigh, where he found two brother