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the Mystic Test Book is equal to the thirty-second permutation, which is exactly:

268,130,836,933,693,530,167,218,012,160,000,000 or to express it in words, more than two hundred and sixty-three thousand millions of septillions. Therefore we are forced to the conclusion that the number of these tarots possible, is actually more than equal to the particles of sand that would be contained in three millions of such globes as our earth.

If we look at it from another standpoint, we are none the less astonished, for we find that for all of the enormous number of perfect tarots, the number of ways that the Test Book can be placed in the squares, without forming a tarot, is so perfectly enormous, that the mind of man cannot encompass it. There being more than a billion non-tarots to one tarot.

I am aware that these figures will lay me open to criticism from superficial thinkers, as did my statement in "Religion of the Stars," relating to homeopathic attenuations. But, if any person wishes to take me up on my statement contained herein, let him be sure of his figures before hand.

Several persons wrote to me upon the subject of the "homeopathic statement" I made oh page 128 of the Temple Lectures, where I said that the thousandth potency of natrum muriaticum contained less than a grain of salt to ten thousand tons of sugar of milk, and a grain of that triturated with a million tons more of the sugar.

Some contended that the statement was "wild and untenable." To satisfy myself as to whether I did make a "wild" statement or a "mild" one, I began a careful mathematical examination of the question. Friends, as I am a