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living man, I did not dare publish the results. I was utterly astounded at the truth when I found it.

Why, my statement was so much under the truth in regard to quantity, that, if one called my statement one grain of sand, the truth would fill the entire space covered by our cluster of over sixteen million suns; which is so large that it is estimated that light consumes fifteen thousand years in crossing from one side to the other. Not only this, but there would be enough sand left over to fill the same space more than fourteen thousand times!!


This is as good a place as we shall have to introduce the rules for the calculations of potencies on the decimal system. The reason for introducing it here is for the purpose of showing the connection between the mystic star and the units of measure.

It has been found from many sources, that of the pyramid measure being a prolific one, that measures are not arbitrary, but are all based upon some fact in nature. It is not strange that the repetend that occupies the points of the double triangle, being as it is, a repetend of the sacred number seven, should have some such connection. The star is on page 25.

Let it be required, to find how many pounds of sugar of milk there would be, to one grain's weight of the drug, in a decimal trituration. Let P represent any required potency. Then P—3=x. Then begin on the top point of the star and set down the number of spots on each card, passing to the left on the star and making your figures to the right of the seven. Keep this going until you have made as many figures as will be equal to x.