Page:The new British province of South Australia.djvu/271

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ments which labourers may make for a short term of service, will be maintained. The means of securing all this, is a proper price for public lands.

By order of the commissioners,
ROWLAND HILL, Secretary.

61, Lincoln's Inn Fields,
June, 1835.

*** Copies of the act of parliament, and further information as to the plan of the intended colony, may be obtained at the office of the commission, 61, Lincoln's Inn Fields, where persons desirous of purchasing land are requested to apply, and where a register of such applications will be immediately opened, and continued in the order of application.

The commissioners recommend all who contemplate emigration to the proposed colony, to examine for themselves the evidence as to soil, climate, &c. This evidence was collected under the direction of the late South Australian Association, and may be found condensed in a work entitled "The New British Province of South Australia; or a Description of the Country, illustrated by Charts and Views, and an account of the principles, Objects, Plan, and Prospects of the colony."

—Knight, London, Price 2s. 6d.