Page:The new British province of South Australia.djvu/272

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Two Years in New South Wales, in a Series of Letters. By P. Cunningham.

An Account of the State of Agriculture in New South Wales; with other Information for those about to emigrate to that Colony. By James Atkinson.

A Letter from Sydney, the chief Town of Australasia; together with the Outline of a System of Colonization. Edited by Robert Gouger.

Sketch of the History of Van Diemen's Land, illustrated by a Map of the Island; and an Account of the Van Diemen's Land Company. By James Bischoff, Esq.

The present State of Australia, its prospects in reference to Emigration, and an Account of its aboriginal Inhabitants. By Robert Dawson.

[[A Statistical Account of the British Settlements in Australasia, including the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land; with an Enumeration as well with reference to each other as to the United States and the Canadas, and Directions and Advice to Emigrants]]. By W. C. Wentworth, Esq.

An Historical and Statistical Account of New South Wales, both as a Penal Settlement and as a British Colony. By John Dunmore Lang, D.D.

Journey of Discovery to Port Philip, New South Wales, by Messrs. W. H. Hovell and Hamilton Hume, in 1824 and 1825.

Authentic Information relative to New South Wales and New Zealand. By James Bayley, Esq. London: published by Joseph Cross, Lower Holborn.