Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/34

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he said "Talk to men what they can understand. Do you intend to give the lie to God and His Apostle?" There are many Traditions to the same effect related from other people. So, how is it possible to conceive of any consensus of opinion coining down to us in metaphysical questions when we definitely know that in every age there Have been doctors who take the Law to contain things the real significance of which should not be disclosed to all men? But in practical affairs it is quite different. For all persons are of opinion that they should be revealed to all men alike. In these things unanimity of opinion can be easily obtained if the proposition is published, and no disagreement is reported. That may be sufficient to obtain unanimity of opinion in practical things as distinct from the sciences.

If it be maintained that one docs not become an unbeliever by ignoring consensus of opinion in interpretation, as no unanimity is possible in it, what shall