Page:The physical training of children (IA

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Red-gum, the symptoms and treatment of, 98

Regularity of habits among the young, 332, 334

Respiration, products of, poisonous, 309

Rest, the best time for a child to retire to, 165

Revaccination, importance of, 54

Revaccination every seven years, 54

Rheumatic fever, flannel vest and drawers in, 283

Ribs, bulging out of the, 319

Rice, prepared as an infant's food, 39

Richardson, Dr., the ether spray of, 328

Rickets, the nature and effects of, 245

Rickets, the various degrees of, 246

Rocking-chairs, and rockers to the cradle, 72

Rocking infants to sleep, 72

Rooms, ill effects of dark, 138

Round shoulders, cause and treatment of, 238, 318

Round-worm, nature and cure of, 243

Running scall, description of and remedy for, 249

Rupture through meddlesomeness, 27

Rupture, nature and best treatment, 28, 29

Rusks, boiled, as food, 38

Sallowness, cause of, in young girls, 290

Salt water and fresh water, 279

Salt should be added to an infant's food, 42

Salt, bag of hot, use of a, 254

Salt necessary to human life, 245

Salt meats for children, 125

Salt-and-water ablutions for a delicate child, 110

Salt-and-water for teeth and gums, 313

Scalds and burns, which most dangerous, 261

Scalds of mouth and throat, 261

Scarlatina, the nature of, 190

Scarlet fever, the symptoms of, 196

Scarlet fever, the contagion of, 205

Scarlet fever, the danger of giving aperients in, 196

Scarlet fever, the dropsy of, 197, 205

Scarlet fever, management of child after, 205