Page:The physical training of children (IA

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Scarlet fever and measles, the importance of distinguishing between, 197

Scarlet fever, the principal danger in, 197

Scarlet fever, the purification of the house after, 206

Scarlet fever, the treatment of, 198

Schools, observations upon female boarding, 301

Schools, observations upon public, 300

Screaming in sleep, children, 216

Scrofula, how to ward off, 316

Scrofula, the prevention of, 316

Scurfy head, a remedy for, 109

Sea-bathing and fresh-water bathing, 279

Sea-bathing for a young child, 228

Secrets, talking, before a child, 163

Selection of females for nourishing children, 46

Senna as an aperient, 221

Shivering fit, importance of attending to a, 215

Shivering fit, treatment of a, 216

Shoes, plan to waterproof, 283

Shoes preferable to boots, 115

Shoes and stockings for children and youths, 114, 283

Shoes, the ill effects of tight, 114

"Shortening" an infant, 33

Shoulder blades "growing out", 238

Sick child, the nursing of a, 229

Sick child not to be stuffed with food, 232

Sick-room, management of the, 229

Sickness of infants, injurious effects of, 99

Singed rag for wrapping, 26

Singing and reading aloud, 298

Singing beneficial to a child, 164

Single-stick, the game of, 294

Sitting with the back to fire, 135

Sitz-bath both useful and valuable, 225

Skating for boys and girls, 297

Skin, grazed, application for, 269

Sleeping-rooms, importance of well ventilating, 309

Sleep, the, of children, 164

Sleep, the, of infants, 71