Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/337

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Ah, thou rt roused.
Thy master hath been robbed the Spagnoletto
Maria of the Golden Locks his daughter.


How is this known? ’T is a foul slander forged
By desperate malice. What ! in the night, you say?
She whose bright name was clean as gold, whose heart
Shone a fixed star of loyal love and duty
Beside her father s glory ! This coarse lie
Denies itself. I will go seek the master,
And if this very noon she walk not forth,
Led by the Spagnoletto, through the streets,
To blind the dazed eyes of her slanderers,
I am your debtor for a hundred florins.


Your faith in womanhood becomes you, sir.
(Aside.) A beggar s child the mistress of a Prince;
Humph ! there be some might think the weight of scandal
Lay on the other side. (To Lorenzo.) You need not forth