Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/338

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To seek her father. See, he comes, alone.
I will not meddle in this broil. Farewell!
[Exit Gentleman-

Enter RIBEKA, without hat or mantle, slowly, with folded arms and bent head.


Oh heart, break not for pity ! Shall he thus
Unto all Naples blazon his disgrace ?
This must not be (advancing). Father!

RIBERA (starts and looks up sharply).

Who calls me father ?


Why, master, I you know me not ? Lorenzo.


Nor do I care to know thee. Thou must be
An arrant coward, thus to league with foes
Against so poor a wretch as I to call me
By the most curst, despised, unhallowed name
God s creatures own. Away ! and let me pass ;
I injure no man.


Look at me, dear master.
Your head is bare, your face is ashy pale,
The sun is fierce. I am your friend, your pupil;
Let me but guide my reverend master home,