Page:The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia.djvu/27

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Two Pretty Girls, One Disfigured by Mourning Frontispiece

  1. The Central Place of Omarakana
  2. The Chief and His Sons
  3. Two Hereditary Enemies
  4. The Chief's Favourite Wife and Her Family
  5. Ceremonial Cooking of Taro
  6. Women with Carrying Pads
  7. A Family on the Road
  8. Native Interior
  9. A Stage in Skirt Making
  10. Drying Skirt Fibre
  11. The Mortuary Dance
  12. Distribution of Skirts in Mortuary Ritual
  13. Decorated Women
  14. Men in Full Festive Attire
  15. Children Showing a Game to the Ethnographer
  16. The Children's Republic
  17. Small Boys Playing at Sagali
  18. A Group of Girls
  19. Boys in the Yam Garden
  20. A Decorated Bachelors' House
  21. Girl in Front of a Bukumatula
  22. Kalogusa, the Chief's Son
  23. Marriage Gift in Preparation
  24. The Marriage Gift Displayed
  25. Mitakaka and Orayse
  26. A Happy Family
  27. The Marriage Tribute in the Garden
  28. Carrying the Harvest Gift
  29. The Urigubu in the Village
  30. A Polygamous Family